
8 - 15 Mar 2009

In this series on the theme of 'understanding and wisdom', until now I have focused on knowing things. However, I was sent this quotation about getting to know people. The person who sent it to me was reminded about this quotation as he heard that Barack Obama is to open more dialogue with Iran a few weeks ago, and said that Obama has been inspired by Lincoln and maybe he is putting some of his ideas into practice:
"I don't like that man. I must get to know him better"
Abraham Lincoln (1809 –1865, 16th President of the United States of America from 1861 to 1865).


Chaplain said...

I received an email response:

It makes me think of the saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies close" - don't know the source though

Anonymous said...

I was really inspired by this quote posted from Abraham Lincoln, i'm currently looking into prejudicial behaviour against the various forms of culture through social psychology and shall be using this quote to neatly end my conclusion. It's relevant and something upon which we should all act! Thankyou