
3 Nov 2014

In this year in which we commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the First World War, a quotation about the ‘common good’:
“The totalitarianism that leads to chains begins with the assumption that there is only one way of understanding the common good. Fascism is about wanting to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. It is a consequence of this assumption that if I think differently from you, then it must be because of error or wickedness. On the other hand, a pluralism that recognises many different ways – creative disharmony – is the best guarantor of healthy freedom.”

The Revd Dr Giles Fraser (The Church Times, 12/11/2010)


27 Oct 2014

In an address given soon after World War II, Einstein recognised that the world’s problems needed both scientific cooperation and spiritual understanding between nations:
“We are here to take counsel with each other. We must build spiritual and scientific bridges linking the nations of the world.”

Albert Einstein (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, October 1948)


20 Oct 2014

“People who live the most fulfilling lives are the ones who are always rejoicing at what they already have.”
Richard Carlson (source of quotation not found)

Richard Carlson (1961-2006) was an author and psychotherapist.


13 Oct 2014

“It’s not differences that divide us. It’s our judgements about each other that do.”
Margaret Wheatley from Turning to One Another (Berrett-Koehler: 2009)

Margaret Wheatley is co-founder The Berkana Institute (http://berkana.org/)


6 Oct 2014

Chief Rabbi Mirvis spoke on Thought for the Day (BBC Radio 4, 1/10/2014) about Yom Kippur or ‘Day of Atonement’ which this year falls on 4 October. His theme was that it is ‘doing’ which matters, not just good intentions or thoughts. And he said...
“The essence of a meaningful life is the pursuit of constructive positive deeds.”
Chief Rabbi Mirvis (Thought for the Day, BBC Radio 4, 1/10/2014)