
16 - 24 Nov 2008

Many of us are naturally resistant to change: change in routine, or change in the way we work, or change in our ideas and what we believe. Yet as we learn more about the world and ourselves, we are challenged to change:
"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn – and change"
Carl Rogers (1902–1987, psychologist)


Rabson said...

Simplistically yes, but it depends on what you understand by those terms "Education" and "Learn" and "change".

Learning changes behaviour for good or for bad. However, as I said last time, we can not change our selfs, we need a change agent and God through His son Jesus Christ can change us for good.

What do you think over there?


Chaplain said...

Short quotations always have to simplify - hence the importance of being able to respond to them.

We certainly can change for the worse. I would not want to say that we cannot change ourselves. From a Christian perspective, I would say that God gives us the potential to change - for good or ill. I am reminded of the prayer of St Teresa of Avila: "Christ has no body now on earth but yours ... yours are the feet by which he is to go about doing good...". This prompts me to choose a quotation from Reinhold Niebuhr for next week's quotation.