“It’s not differences that divide us. It’s our judgements about each other that do.”Margaret Wheatley from Turning to One Another (Berrett-Koehler: 2009)
Margaret Wheatley is co-founder The Berkana Institute (http://berkana.org/)
The Thought for the Week is offered for members of the University of Bolton by the Chaplaincy for reflection and response. The Thought does not represent the views or policy of either the Chaplaincy or The University of Bolton. Quotations are taken from a wide range of sources. You don't have to sign in to make a comment - just click the comments link at the foot of each Thought.
1 comment:
An excellent thought for the week, the essence of which is at the heart of my phd dissertation. Many thanks for this - I will read more of her work with great pleasure.
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