
8 - 15 Nov 2009

In the week which begins with Remembrance Sunday and includes Armistice Day (11th November), a thought about ‘peace’:
“Establishing lasting peace is the work of education;
all politics can do is keep us out of war.”
Maria Montessori (1870-1952; Italian physician, educator and philosopher).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is lasting peace possible? and why would it neccessarily be the resonsibility of education?I think that the question of free will , personal experience and personality makes the question of lasting peace somewhat doubtfull,i mean if you really think about this, what factors would need to be in place in order to obtain a global coordination of belief,thought and action?,its back to free will again,also choice.
If we take education to begin with we could divide this up maybe into "different types of education" ,sub groups and so on ; eg parents,friends and neighbours .I think though that if you educate a child on masse (ie goverment and social institutions) this raises major issues, you immediately walk into the realms of social control/cohersion,i think this is very dodgy indeed and we have all seen the examples in history of where this leads.i think it is very neccessary to maintain free will/choice ,unfortunately this dosnt always bring with it the will to accept/ and or to tolerate and hold an opinion .i feel that the democratic route is the best option for all however when we accept this we maybe have to accept also the strife that this can bring .
Another question is that ,are differences there for a purpose ?.if you accept this then maybe accepting the fact that there will always be people who hate ,are intolerant and opinionated about others and in fact will always want to contain,condemn and to cause suffering means we readily accept our free will and our own and others failing .In this way ,do we learn to forgive?,not small insignificant acts to the welfare of everyone but big mis demeanors.isnt it true that we are tested in order to extend ourselves untill we have reached a complete humbled state and we are emptied of pride and arrogance?.
I wonder what would happen if mankind had no cause to forgive(whether that be yourself or another /others)?.
I feel that maybe the ideal would cause all consenting adults to have a moral duty to strive for peace and to educate their children likewise however as the world is not an ideal place the question has to be asked,Is the world supposed to be peacefull and/or are we supposed to find answers to the problems that exist ? If ther were no problems what would we learn?If forgiveness was not required then what would be required of the human being ?.i think that the question of this would largly depend on your spiritual stance.If there was nothing to strive for in the way of peace then the questionremains would the peacemakers ever get to know each other and would we ever get the chance to make the choices that we do now .A example of one of my choices this xmas is,how much more time ,money and effort realistically can i give to the palestinians plight.I am on a small budget and do what i can but feel that I must do more .i have to make sure that it is not for me to feel good but for the exclusive purpose of relief for the people,it really is a journey .My question is im stuck between realising that although war and genocide exist and we must do all we can to stop this,if there wasnt war then how would we ever learn to extend ourselves,tro give untill it hurts,to forgive and to be happy to do so.
In my experience education (formal that is) did little to provide me with an example of how to behave and therfore being able to help me coordinate my spiritual being.I wonder if it was its place to do so anyway actually?IMy school teachers and/or lecturers in adult education also did little to practise what they preached and or to provide me with examples of caring and sharing( i am speaking generally as there are always the exceptions to the rule) I also think that maybe to attempt to use education as a route into peace would possibly be an opportunity to impose opinion and I wonder what would happen if the will of the educaters was not carried out?,now theres a question.